Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cagora getting ready to go local

Local businesses around Australia and the world will soon have a new and exciting internet community to help boost their businesses. Cagora are in the process of their local rollout, introducing local businesses to the network, and potential customers a new method of finding quality products, services and businesses.

While business networks and directories are nothing new, Cagora has taken the entire idea a step further. You see, Cagora isn't just a directory, it's a network designed to cause good things for businesses, consumers and more importantly, charity groups.

In the coming weeks, you will begin to hear a lot more about the local rollout. I will be updating information here as it happens, so please keep checking back every day or so.

You can view my profile at Cagora by clicking here.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cagora ranks #49

Cagora ranks #49 in Australian Web2.0 Companies

Ross Dawson, creator of is compiled a list of the top 100 Australian Web2.0 companies, and Cagora has ranked in at #49. This is great news for Cagora, which has not yet launched fully, as it shows the potential and power is there for Cagora to make a major push.

49. Cagora



Person/Company: Rob Anderson

Description: Community site with multiple functionality including user generated content and affiliate revenue for members.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ice Hockey helping to promote the Gold Coast

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia - In a part of the world where it rarely drops below freezing, the sport of Ice Hockey is taking an active part in helping to promote the area.  The Gold Coast, one of Australias premier holiday destinations is quite literally a summer paradise.  Known for it's surfing, bikini clad babes and summer sports, the Gold Coast this year saw a new sports team roll into town.  The Bartercard Gold Coast Blue Tongues relocated from Brisbane to the Gold Coast this season and are using their highly targeted audience to help promote and build tourism on the Coast.

- Bartercard Gold Coast Blue Tongues Ice Hockey Club
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Benefits Of A Cagora Personal Profile

Although this is video 9 of the Cagora Online Marketing Starter Kit series, i feel it is important enough to post as a standalone video.

The Personal Profiles at Cagora are a key part of your Cagora network. Here, we learn how the benefits of a Cagora Personal Profile.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Facebook & Myspace Users... Be Prepared

A note to users of Facebook and Myspace. Keep your eyes out for a new development coming soon... it will boost your authority ranking, popularity and traffic BIG time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Update regarding the Online Marketing Starter Kits

Cagora's Online Marketing Starter Kits are here. From your Cagora account section you will see a new menu option for them. Clicking this will take to to the videos and MP3's which guide you through the 12 (initial) lessons to get traffic and income from social media giants such as facebook, myspace, youtube and our very own Cagora.

Reports are still to come, so get in today and take advantage of these killer lessons before others do.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Big is Social Media, Social Networking and Social Information?

So HOW big is the opportunity for Social Media, Social Networking, Social Information?

What opportunity awaits You as Cagora Community Network kicks in the next wave of innovation of Community Media, Community Networking, and Community Information?

Refer to the chart below to see just how drastically the Internet is changing. Six of the Top 10 most trafficked websites, that were well outside the Top 10 two years ago, are Social Media, Networking or Information sites. They are MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Hi5, Orkut and Wikipedia. Even the other four Top 10 sites of Yahoo, Google, MSN Live and MSN have been big players in the Social Media and Networking space.

It's not hard to see that Facebook will soon be joining YouTube as a website with more traffic than Google, is it? These massive amounts of traffic are why Microsoft invested in Facebook late in 2007 at a valuation of US$15 Billion. (Yep, that's B for Billion).

As you can see, Socal Media is an Enormous Opportunity!

We can help you capitalize on this unique window of opportunity and make it EASY for you to benefit even if you have no Internet experience.

The REALLY BIG NEWS is that Cagora is one of the next breed of innovators taking these trends to the next level as we extend Social Media, Social Networking and Social Information to be not just for Individuals, but for Communities (Local and Special Interest Communities of Individuals, Businesses and Non Profit Organizations.)

You can be in on the ground floor like it was just two years ago with YouTube and Facebook. (Only this time, you get to have a slice of the wealth without needing to be a shareholder.)

Cagora is a new business model unlike any of the Social 'Web 2.0' sites you have seen before. To benefit our members and member-chosen Charities and Community Groups, Cagora has combined the strengths of these proven 'Social' businesses into a One Stop 'Community' Network. It's a network of indivdual communities for each Local and Special Interest, rather than an array of groups.

Like these other sites, it's TOTALLY FREE to join and utilize the Cagora Network. We are able to do this and still provide you with an opportunity to EARN, because we offer Targeted Advertising and Information and Communication products to take advantage of the traffic generated.

Tomorrow I will show you a true side-by-side comparison of the major services (Facebook, Myspace etc) and Cagora. You will be astounded at what you see!

Don't forget to check out the Brisbane, Dallas & Ice Hockey Cagora worlds!

Drop by and say hello on our forums :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cagora Introduce Online Marketing Starter Kits and Facebook Training

Cagora have released the much anticipated "Online Marketing Starter Kits" and "Facebook Training" Information.

This, from the Cagoranews website:

"We’ve been working away at getting some of the training materials together for our Facebook Marketing and the impending launch of the Business and Community Group Profiles."

There are currently 6 videos, plus tutorials and the audio recording from the last meeting.

Can't wait?

Here is the first video for you to watch:

Video 1: Google Local Search Listing Benefits